Leadership and Results for Portlanders


As Portland’s Environmental Services Director, Mary Nolan led the design of landmark improvements to clean up the Willamette River and Columbia Slough and led Portland to launch curbside recycling. She assembled a coalition of conservationists, manufacturers, community organizers, renters, homeowners and tradespeople to deploy innovative solutions to keep costs down and environmental benefits up.

As State Representative and House Majority Leader, Nolan updated Oregon’s visionary land use laws to protect farmland, forests, coastal beaches and open space. She extended Project Independence to help seniors hold on to their homes, funded expansions of climate-protective programs, expanded college scholarships and broadened funding for affordable housing services. Nolan secured state funding for the Max Orange line and the Tilikum Crossing.

As Co-Founder of Oregon NARAL and Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, Nolan ignited the coalition that created the nation’s most expansive protections for reproductive health for women, men and trans people. Her political leadership and coalition of service providers delivered basic healthcare to tens of thousands of Oregonians — and refugees from anti-choice states.

Mary Nolan serves on the board of community advisors for OHSU’s Avel Gordly Center for Healing, dedicated to culturally specific care for adults and families experiencing trauma, addiction or mental health challenges. She also serves on the advisory board of Race Talks, a community-led organization that provides racially mixed audiences effective training and guidance for uncomfortable and honest conversations about the history and present-day reality of racism in Portland and Oregon.

Portland needs real solutions and proven leadership.

Let’s keep Mary Nolan on Metro Council.

Can you help power Nolan’s campaign for Metro?
